copyright law

Prof. Peter K. Yu

Drake University Law School

Fall 2014

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Class 1 (8/26):  Fixation and Originality

Class 2 (8/27):  Fixation and Originality (Cont'd); The Idea/Expression Dichotomy

  • Casebook 81-99

Class 3 (9/2):  Derivative Works and Compilations

  • Casebook 99-113

Class 4 (9/3):  Authorship

  • Casebook 116-43

Class 5 (9/9):  Formalities and Duration

Class 6 (9/10):  Renewals and Terminations of Transfers

  • Handout 1

  • Casebook 176-88

Class 7 (9/16):  Useful Articles

  • Casebook 191-207

Class 8 (9/17):  Computer Software

  • Casebook 215-42

Class 9 (9/23):  Characters and Databases

  • Casebook 257-83

Class 10 (9/24):  The Elements of Infringement and the Reproduction Right

  • Casebook 289-309, 321-24

Class 11 (9/30):  The Elements of Infringement and the Reproduction Right (Cont'd)

Class 12 (10/1):  The Distribution Right and the Derivative Work Right

  • Casebook 341-55, 365-81

Class 13 (10/7):  The Distribution Right and the Derivative Work Right (Cont'd)

Class 14 (10/8):  Moral Rights

Note: There will be no class on 10/14 (Fall Break).

Class 15 (10/15):  Public Performance and Public Display

Class 16 (10/21):  The Case of the Music Industry

Class 17 (10/22):  Copyright Infringement

  • Casebook 469-89

Class 18 (10/28):  Copyright Infringement (Cont'd) and ISP Safe Harbor

  • Casebook 489-516

Class 19 (10/29): Google Book Search

Film Presentation

Class 20 (11/4):  Fair Use

  • Casebook 529-54, 565-75

Class 21 (11/5):  Fair Use (Cont'd)

  • Casebook 580-603

Classes 22-23 (11/10):  Contract Drafting

The make-up will be held in Room 213.

Class 24 (11/11):  Fair Use (Cont'd)

Class 25 (11/12):  Modes of Transfer

  • Casebook 605-32

Note: There will be no classes on 11/18, 11/19 and 11/25 (Rescheduled) and 11/26 (Thanksgiving Break).

Class 26 (12/2): Technological Protections

Class 27 (12/3):  The Right of Publicity, Misappropriation, Preemption, and Remedies

Class 28 (12/4):  Statutory Overview and Review Session

Room 206


Syllabus (Fall 2013)

Syllabus (Fall 2012)

Syllabus (Fall 2011)

Syllabus (Fall 2010)

Syllabus (Fall 2009)

Syllabus (Fall 2008)

Syllabus (Spring 2008)

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Last Updated: 04/12/14

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